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Code of Ethics
This ISCD Code of Ethics, approved by the ISCD Board in November 2007, identifies general principles and guidelines for ethical issues regarding relations within the ISCD, with its members, with the scientific community, the general public, and with sponsors.
ISCD Refunds and Transfers Policies
ISCD Relationships with Industry
The ISCD recognizes the important benefits of partnering with industry (for-profit organizations that may have a conflict of interest with the mission of The ISCD) that have led to major medical advances, thereby improving human health. The common interests of healthcare providers and industry to advance medical care makes collaboration valuable. Even so, there are potential risks with any relationship that includes the financial goals of industry, and these may at times conflict with the professional goals of The ISCD. It is a principle of the ISCD that collaborating with and accepting financial support from industry does not necessarily reflect a conflict of interest.
Conflict of Interest
The conflict of interest policy is designed to help responsible persons of the ISCD identify situations that present potential conflicts of interest and to provide ISCD with procedures that will allow a transaction to be treated as valid and binding even though a responsible person has or may have a conflict of interest with respect to the transaction.
Whistleblower Policy
The International Society for Clinical Densitometry (ISCD) committed to high standards of ethical, moral and legal business conduct. In line with this commitment, and ISCD’s commitment to open communication, this policy aims to provide an avenue for contracted staff and volunteers to raise concerns and reassurance that they will be protected from reprisals or victimization for whistleblowing.
Endorsement of Other Societies Positions
It is appropriate for the ISCD to consider endorsing recommendations and/or position statements from other professional societies. Such endorsements may include the field of skeletal health assessment and/or therapeutic interventions.
Policy on CoSponsorship
Our goals in cosponsorship are to heighten awareness and increase interdisciplinary collaboration, and to improve access to events concerning skeletal health for interested clinicians and technologists. Appropriate events for cosponsorship consideration are those that are consistent with the mission of the ISCD: To advance excellence in the assessment of skeletal health.
White Paper Policy
A White Paper is a document that is written by one or more individuals, a committee or task force, upon request of the ISCD President or Board, to address a matter of policy or science in the assessment of skeletal health, and approved according to ISCD procedures.